Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cleaning Supplies Enzymes

Botulinum Toxin - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Patients became desperate, as supplies of Botox were gradually consumed, and countertops even after cleaning. Honey can contain the bacteria that cause infant botulism, so children less than 12 months old should not be fed honey. Honey is safe for persons one year of age and older. ... Read Article

Cleaning Supplies Enzymes Photos

Auxiliary Enterprises Medical Center Stores
Enzymes/perishables cannot be returned once they have been accepted for delivery. Medical Center Stores is the source for your scientific supplies and equipment for your research. Cleaning Supplies ...

Secrets of Melanin (Pigmentation) Key to Health ?

This vid is based on another one : "Melanin ; God's Dust" from ourstory5 you tube channel : )

Google translator help to put type into speech.. thanks to creation all over : )
In the exact center of your brain resides a tiny organ called the pineal gland . about the size and shape of a kernel of corn.
According to medical science, it is the first gland in your body to be formed.
And it is clearly distinguishable, a mere three weeks, after conception.
In western culture, there was a time, when doctors were taught that the pineal gland had no useful purpose... a mere vestige of our 'evolutionary' past.

Dr. Bruce Lipton , a famous research scientist has shown that cell activity is governed by signals received on the skin of the cell. So likewise it may be with human complete organisms as well.
When a force is applied repeatedly at the same frequency of any system, large amplitude of oscillations occur. This is the phenomenon of resonance.
The earth itself has its own resonant frequency. It has been increasing since the late 1980's and will soon reach a key vibration point of 13. As this occurs our pineal glands (as long as remaining decalcified) will sync with the earth vibrations. This attracts energy up the spine and can bring one possibly to the higher plane of existence. Our next step of evolution as a species perhaps.

Purify the heart and find your peace within as the journey day by day comes closer to an end . One way or another it is inevitable for you. Why not be prepared.

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Copper In Health - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
These enzymes in turn produce cellular energy and regulate nerve transmission, blood clotting, These supplies are necessary to carry out such metabolic functions as cellular respiration, melanin pigment and connective tissue synthesis, ... Read Article

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